Postcolonial Poundland and Mismanaged Decline

The Centre for British Studies Keynote Lecture 2024 takes place on Thursday, 28th November with Professor Paul Gilroy FRSL, FBA
Professor of the Humanities
Foundnig Director of the Sarah Parker Remond Centre for the Studies of Racism & Racialisation
Institute of Advanced Studies
University College London

This lecture will make an assessment of the contemporary politics of nationalism, racism and anti-immigration sentiment in the UK and connect that analysis to the similar situations found elsewhere. Professor Gilroy is particularly interested in the impact of technology and changes in political communication.

Paul Gilroy was born in the East End of London in 1956. He is currently Professor of Humanities at University College London where he was founding director of the Sarah Parker Remond Centre for the study of racism and racialisation. Gilroy has taught in several universities in the UK and abroad. Outside his academic writing, he has published widely on Art, Music and Culture.

Please register at: When registering please state if you wish to attend in person or via Zoom.


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Do 28.11.2024, 17:00 – 19:00
Zum Kalender hinzufügen
Centre for British Studies | Großbritannien-Zentrum

Mohrenstr. 60
1st floor, Room 105
10117 Berlin


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